Any Virginia resident who has gone through a marital breakup can attest to just how difficult the experience can be. Spouses marry with the intent of spending their lives together. When a sudden separation happens, a person can suffer through emotional and...
Year: 2020
How to ask a spouse for a prenuptial agreement
Planning a wedding often takes a lot of time, energy and money. Prior to the big day, future spouses in Virginia are usually busy with finding a good location, decorating, picking the perfect attire and countless other tasks. Many couples never even consider a...
How to prepare finances for a divorce
Obviously, virtually no couple ever ties the knot with the intent of one day ending the marriage. However, some spouses in Virginia may eventually find their differences irreconcilable, so divorce becomes the best course of action. Divorce is notoriously expensive, so...
A few common mistakes to avoid amid an emotional divorce
Matrimony often means experiencing wonderful emotions such as love, happiness and joy. Divorce also means experiencing powerful emotions, albeit on the other end of the spectrum. Making illogical and emotional decisions in the midst of a volatile breakup can lead to a...
Why more millennial couples are opting for prenuptial agreements
No couple weds with the intent of divorcing but, every year, thousands of spouses in Virginia and across the country choose to go their separate ways. When a divorce happens, a prenuptial agreement can be a lifesaver. A prenup is a great way for any individual to...
How to keep divorce from affecting employment
Ending a marriage is tough, whether it’s expected or not. As challenging as divorce is personally, it can be even more challenging in a person’s professional life. Keeping work performance at a high level through an arduous and stressful divorce proceeding is...
High-Asset Divorce: Protecting finances when ending a lengthy marriage
These days, the divorce rate among older adults in Virginia is rising dramatically. Without question, a marital breakup at any age can be a very stressful and difficult experience. However, those who divorce later in life can face unique challenges, especially when it...
Helping a friend get through a divorce
According to some statistics, nearly half of all marriages in Virginia and across the United States end in a split. For some, divorce can be freeing and a chance to begin a new life. For the majority of people, however, divorce is painful both emotionally and...
How prenuptial agreements can offer protection for every marriage
Insurance comes in many forms and is a great way to protect against losses. The majority of Virginia residents have insurance for their homes and automobiles to protect against unforeseen and unpredictable events. There’s also life insurance and even insurance for...
Helping teenagers through a divorce
Adolescence is an challenging time of growth between childhood and adulthood. However, when teens experience a breakup of parental marriage, this time of transition can become even more complicated. Teenagers who experience a parental divorce commonly turn inward and...